By Rich Page
Isbn10: | 111824060X |
Isbn13: | 9781118240601 |
Publisher: | John Wiley & Sons |
Published: | 2012-04-23 |
Step-by-step instructions for executing a website testing andoptimization plan Website optimization is can be an overwhelming endeavor due tothe fact that it encompasses so many strategic and technicalissues. However, this hands-on, task-based book demystifies thispotentially intimidating topic by offering smart, practical, andtested instructions for developing, implementing, managing, andtracking website optimization efforts. After you learn how toestablish an optimization framework, you then dive into learninghow to develop a plan, test appropriately and accurately, interpretthe results, and optimize in order to maximize conversion rates andimprove profits. Zeroes in on fundamentals such as understanding key metrics,choosing analytics tools, researching visitors and their onsitebehavior, and crafting a plan for what to test and optimize Walks you through testing and optimizing specific web pagesincluding the homepage, entry and exit pages, product and pricingpages, as well as the shopping cart and check-out process Guides you through important optimization areas such asoptimizing text and images Addresses advanced topics including paid search optimization,Facebook fan page optimization, rich media, and more Includes a companion website that features expanded examples,additional resources, tool reviews, and other relatedinformation Full of interesting case studies and helpful examples drawn fromthe author's own experience, Website Optimization: An Hour aDay is the complete solution for anyone who wants to get thebest possible results from their web page.