Twenty Recipes for Programming Phonegap

By Jamie Munro

Twenty Recipes for Programming Phonegap
Isbn10: 1449319548
Isbn13: 9781449319540
Publisher: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
Published: 2012

Gain hands-on experience with the amazing PhoneGap library, using the practical recipes in this handy guide. With these solutions, you can enable your mobile web apps to interact with device-specific features such as the accelerometer, GPS, camera, and address book. Learn how to use your knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build full mobile apps for iOS, Android, and several other platforms without rewriting apps in the native platform language. Each recipe includes sample code you can use in your project right away, as well as a discussion of why the solution works. Add functionality that’s available only on a certain device or platform Retrieve the device’s current GPS location and place a marker on a map Create and save a new contact or edit an existing contact in the address book Take pictures with the camera or select one of the user’s existing photos Upload a file from the local device to an external server Allow the device to record audio or video through your app Enable your application to save files locally


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