Microsoft Azure Essentials - Fundamentals of Azure

By Michael Collier, Robin Shahan

Microsoft Azure Essentials - Fundamentals of Azure
Isbn10: 0735697302
Isbn13: 9780735697300
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Published: 2015-01-29

Microsoft Azure Essentials from Microsoft Press is a series of free ebooks designed to help you advance your technical skills with Microsoft Azure. The first ebook in the series, Microsoft Azure Essentials: Fundamentals of Azure, introduces developers and IT professionals to the wide range of capabilities in Azure. The authors - both Microsoft MVPs in Azure - present both conceptual and how-to content for key areas, including: Azure Websites and Azure Cloud Services Azure Virtual Machines Azure Storage Azure Virtual Networks Databases Azure Active Directory Management tools Business scenarios Watch Microsoft Press’s blog and Twitter (@MicrosoftPress) to learn about other free ebooks in the “Microsoft Azure Essentials” series.


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