Dynamic Apache with Ajax and JSON

By Tracy Steven Brown

Dynamic Apache with Ajax and JSON
Isbn10: 0596528396
Isbn13: 9780596528393
Publisher: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
Published: 2009-06-30

Want to make your Ajax apps more dynamic? This Short Cut shows you how. It covers: Using the Apache 2.2.x framework to build MVC applications incorporating design patterns Building custom Apache modules that handle Ajax requests using JSON Solving the page refresh problem in Ajax apps by tracking persistent sessions and using that information to reset the user interface when appropriate We walk you through, in detail and with complete code listings, how to develop the necessary Apache 2.2.x modules. And we conclude with a comprehensive set of appendixes that cover the entire Apache development framework. If you're looking to make Ajax web apps that scale and provide a better experience for your users, this Short Cut has all the Apache framework smarts to help you get there.


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