CSS3 Pushing the Limits

By Stephen Greig

CSS3 Pushing the Limits
Isbn10: 1118652614
Isbn13: 9781118652619
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Published: 2013-07-17

Push CSS3 and your design skills to the limit—andbeyond! Representing an evolutionary leap forward for CSS, CSS3 ischock-full of new capabilities that dramatically expand theboundaries of what a styling language can do. But many of those newfeatures remain undocumented, making it difficult to learn whatthey are and how to use them to create the sophisticated sites andweb apps clients demand and users have grown to expect. Until now. This book introduces you to all of CSS3’s new and advancedfeatures, and, with the help of dozens of real-world examples andlive demos, it shows how to use those features to design dazzling,fully-responsive sites and web apps. Among other things, you’ll learn how to: • Useadvanced selectors and an array of powerful new text tools • Createadaptable background images, decorative borders, and complexpatterns • Createamazing effects with 2D and 3D transforms, transitions, andkeyframe-based animations • Takeadvantage of new layout tools to solve an array of advanced layoutchallenges—fast • Vastlysimplify responsive site design using media queries and new layoutmodules • Createabstract and scalable shapes and icons withpseudo-elements • Leveragepreprocessors and use CSS like a programming language within astylesheet context Don’t pass up this opportunity to go beyond thebasics and learn what CSS3 can really do!


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