CSS Pocket Reference

By Eric A. Meyer

CSS Pocket Reference
Isbn10: 1449313051
Isbn13: 9781449313050
Publisher: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
Published: 2011-07-12

When you're working with CSS and need a quick answer, CSS Pocket Reference delivers. This handy, concise book provides all of the essential information you need to implement CSS on the fly. Ideal for intermediate to advanced web designers and developers, the 4th edition is revised and updated for CSS3, the latest version of the Cascading Style Sheet specification. Along with a complete alphabetical reference to CSS3 selectors and properties, you'll also find a short introduction to the key concepts of CSS. Based on Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide, this reference is an easy-to-use cheatsheet of the CSS specifications you need for any task at hand. This book helps you: Quickly find and adapt the style elements you need Learn how CSS3 features complement and extend your CSS practices Discover new value types and new CSS selectors Implement drop shadows, multiple backgrounds, rounded corners, and border images Get new information about transforms and transitions


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